Passport’s Picks of the Week
This week’s installment of picks of the week hits on some trending mobile apps. Deep dive into some of our team’s must-read picks…
What you must know to build savvy push notifications
We’ve all gotten annoying push notifications, and many of us have deleted applications because they won’t leave us alone. That illustrates both the power and danger of push notifications as a tool to engage and inform your users. This article lays out both strategy and tactics for how to effectively craft your push notifications to benefit your users and your mobile engagement metrics.
– Ben Winokur, General Counsel
New Facebook Messenger bot wants to help you register to vote
If you haven’t been watching the news, using your smartphone, or have somehow been completely oblivious the past year, then you know that the Election is about a month away. In hopes to encourage users to sign up to vote, Facebook has implemented a bot through their Facebook Messenger platform to increase voter registration. The GoVoteBot aims to personalize and simplify the registration process.
– Kimberly Kufel, Content Marketing Specialist
iOS 10 hits majority of devices
A month after the release of iOS 10, Apple is seeing faster adoption than any other OS version release — over 50% adoption rate in the past few weeks. Not only is the iOS adoption rate higher, but its pattern of adoption is much different than its predecessors. What’s causing this change in user behavior? Check out the full article above.
– Emily Wilson, Marketing Specialist
The rise and fall of the Galaxy Note 7
The Samsung “exploding phones” seemed to come out of nowhere. All the hype surrounding the Galaxy Note 7’s release quickly turned to recalls almost overnight. How do you go from one of the year’s most anticipated releases to plane evacuations in a span of a few weeks? This comprehensive timeline offers a breakdown of the events leading to the disappearance of the Note 7 from homes and shelves (and planes).
– Sara Wasserboehr, Graphic Designer