Sustainability in Parking
Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For humans, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.
For some time now, the movement toward sustainable business practices has made itself as prominent in the Parking industry as it has in similarly pervasive industries. Unfortunately, many “sustainable” applications are fiscally unsustainable. Sustainability is about much more than green stamp on marketing materials; green investment decisions should have positive and lasting environmental effects without negatively impacting the bottom line. In an industry where margins are already slim, it only makes sense to take a finer-toothed comb to the software and hardware that is utilized on a day-to-day basis.
The only way to continue to advance sustainability in the Parking industry is a grassroots movement toward sensible innovation that makes “going green” an easy decision for the Parking Provider. Innovation that has long-term responsible environmental impacts while proving to be an easy implementation decision for parking providers whose allegiance is in maximizing stakeholder value. “Green” technologies should never come at the expense of parkers.
Sustainable solutions should be cash flow positive from the start.
Far too often, companies choose to implement a “green” technology that proves costly and inefficient with payback periods that extend far beyond the benefits of implementation. We need to rethink sustainability with progress and long-lasting fiscal and environmental benefits at the core.